Hello Lovely people,
here are some pictures from the past 3 months. Tomorrow I fly out of Perth --> Jakarta, Indonesia --> Seoul, South Korea for New Years day then onto Chiang Mai, Thailand then to my new home.
It's really weird for me to not eat with a knife now. How do I get the food on my fork?? |
My Canadian housemate and I made a southern meal and fried chicken for the first time. It was amazing.
More hot pot and pick up sticks.
One monday I prayed for a thunder storm and one rolled in that night and when we got home this little prince was sitting in our lawn. Don't worry I didn't actually kiss him. He was released to play in puddles.
Instead of trick or treating on halloween we had a massive dance party and then went to Hungry Jacks ( Burger King Aussie version) and then came home to a house mate who had made us ice cream cookie sandwiches. Bless.
Nails were painted every other day.
We got a flat tire.
Here is a tunnel that we drive to get to the beach in. After living in Norway where it's taboo to keep windows open in a tunnel I always get nervous leaving them open here. But I'm still alive so I suppose it's not that bad.
No photo diary would be complete without the perfect picture of my thumb and a beach in the background.
This is one of my favorite things. The myers and briggs personality test is so interesting to me. I love reading up about different peoples personalities. I probably take it every 6 months and depending on what mood I'm in some percentages change but it always stays ENFP.
I love. Perth. So thankful for every lovely person I've met and gotten to know here. Cheers.
Homework time at the cafe El Fresco where milkshakes are $3 and shots of espresso are $.50
During the past 3 months I've baked so many chocolate chip cookie batches. I've lost count. But this one was special because I was so frustrated and tired that night and then I messed up the batter and just prayed that God would make them taste amazing and they honestly were the best cookies I've ever baked in my entire life.
This is one of my favorite spots to sit and read. It has an aircoditioner that blasts one me and the decorations are very koselig.
I painted this deer. It's quite festive and the wreath is alive and from our back yard.
Here is my hand covered in paint from painting a friends house and then a string of popcorn from decorating our house Christmas tree which also had tin foil stars and paper from a pictionary game. The crepe looking thing is actually my quesadilla.
Here is some amazing Chinese Hot Pot. It's really spicy and amazing.
For a friends birthday I made my first carrot cake from scratch that I can remember. Unfortunately I just realized it's not even in this picture.. but there's hummus which is the best.
I recently read the book Climbing by Rosalind Goforth. Yes. It was beautiful and challenging and funny and inspiring.
This is maybe my new favorite food in the whole planet of the earth. It's Chinese sweet potato noodles and bok choy and carrots and potatoes and LOTS of CHILI which I LOVE and vinegar and other stuff. AMAZING.
A housemate got a package from home that included Beef Jerkey <3 and shared.
Happy Christmas week in the summer. Christmas day was spent inside together eating and enjoying company then the next day, Boxing day, we all went to the beach.
The afternoon before Christmas week I set out with a friend to get gifts for my secret santa person. I ended dragging the dear soul around the city aimlessly wandering in search of the perfect under $10 gift which isn't easily found especially when stores close around 5. But at last I found one and then had an intense craving for pizza. We settled for pizza and a Kebab.
For my stocking stuffers I mixed salt, flour, and water to make a sort of clay, attempted to shape it into hedgehogs and birds, then painted it with coffee and tied it with string. The best one that turned out was in the shape of Africa. I didn't even make that one haha. But it was lovely and only two people tried eating them.
 Here is a turtle I painted and made. It was so cute. |
When one lives in a house of girls something always seems to happen. Our something finally happened Christmas eve when all 8 of us had spent the entire afternoon making and wrapping and writing and finishing gifts to be stashed in the stockings on base and had left it until the last minute to run out to the van and race to base with only an hour before lockup time. When everyone piled into the van we discovered the tires were sunk deep into the sand of the vacant lot we park in. So we tried everything which included flooring the engine and burning some rubber creating an even deeper hole and then placing cardboard under tires and then boards which made it worse. When there was nothing else to do and only 20 minutes to spare we called one of the boys and asked if he could drive us. He showed up 5 minutes later on a skateboard. But behind him walking through the darkness of the Australian summer Christmas eve night there marched an army of men made up of 2 guys houses. Upon arriving and shoving it a couple times they declared the van stuck. Shockingly though after a neighbor with a tow truck mentioned he could easily tow it out they gathered up all their strength and decided to "Give it one last go, blokes." With a triumphant lift the van was on the road and we made it to stocking stuffing on time thanks to these heroes.
This Christmas one of my house mates was from Northern Ireland and of course I a UK lover wanted to watch the Queens speech. Unfortunately I didn't check and we watched the one from last year on Christmas day but I watched the 2015 speech later and cried along with the Doctor Who Christmas Episode.
Because our house was located relatively close to the guys house and we had wifi they were over often. Thankfully bacon and chocolate can be traded for free wifi and company.
Last night I went to a friends to play board games and ended up being an hour late but got to catch this stunning sunset as we drove to their house. It was mindblowingly beautiful and made me want to turn around and just drive until I got to the beach and could watch the fire sky until it left.
Here lies all of my belongings before I packed them all into 3 bags. Yay for new adventures and traveling.
This was my little home for my 3 months in Perth. It was filled with 8 other amazing girls and a guy who was also great and married to one of the girls. The back yard was huge and the laundry was hung up to dry everyday and was so soft and not at all crunchy.
Today Dec 30. We went to visit a chocolate factory and drove past this lovely vineyard. The chocolate was amazing and we also got to try different jams and my favorite one was the passion fruit jam because the seeds.
ps. I'll post more tomorrow.
xx - Matisse
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