Here's some random details about this past week and everything else I could think of!
- I got to Skype my family for a long time and it was lovely. It's beyond weird seeing them grow up through a phone or computer screen but I'm so grateful that technology exists. I can't imaging writing letter and not being able to see faces or hear voices for so long.
- I watched Obediah do a front flip because he's super awesome and I got to talk to Bella about life and Henry about football and I miss them each tons and they're so old:(

- I got to speak at a youth group and even though it was maybe 7 people for the first time I wasn't nervous at all! Yay God!!
- After the youth group I was running around the car super fast to get in the back seat first haha and I ran smack dab into the thing that you attach a boat or trailer to and completely wiped out in the parking lot and I'm pretty sure this dad sitting in the car saw me along with everyone else coming to get into the car. It hurt really bad but I so wish I had a video because I'm pretty sure it was the funniest thing ever.
- Alfie, my plant is still alive and well after being in my room and being taken care of me for 7 weeks.
- I started listening to Christmas music on Nov. 2 because in Norway they don't put up trees or anything until the 23 of Dec. so I'm planning to enjoy everything Christmas for as long as possible.
- I'm still loving it here!! Everything is so beautiful and the people are lovely.
- It snowed a couple times this week but it didn't stay on the ground very long but the puddles have all frozen over so I can step on them
- Everyone has a work duty and mine is in the kitchen one monday tuesday thursday and friday and I love it!! The cooks are amazing! I help fix the food so doing things like chopping up fish or vegetables or peeling 2 kilos of carrots or washing dishes or cleaning something or making rice. It's so much fun and relaxing because I don't have time to think too much about anything except for what my task is. I also get to help set up the tables and light the candles which is my favorite part of it. There's a word in Norwegian that is Koselig and it's similar to the english word cozy or comfy or snug but it's used a lot more. It's almost a definition of creating warmth. It could also be used as a feeling that doesn't exactly have an english translation. Here's another bloggers explanation of it "There is an important concept one needs to understand and embrace when living in Norway: being “koselig”. Most English speakers translate it by “cosy” but that term doesn’t even begin to cover everything that “koselig” can express. This concept is difficult to translate to those who do not live here, but basically anything can (and should) be koselig: a house, a conversation, a dinner, a person. It defines something/someone /an atmosphere that makes you feel a sense of warmth very deep inside in a way that all things should be: simple and comforting." So basically it means candles every night at dinner and it's like living in a pinterest board of winter lovely cozy things. Koselig. And it's so much fun to use because everything in the winter is so koselig! I'd pronounce it like cooshleague I think but there are so many different ways to say it so I may be wrong :)

So I would say for example - The room in the picture is so koselig. The fire is koselig tonight. I feel so koselig. The warmth is so koselig. It's so nice to feel so koselig when it's so cold outside. But that's just what I think it means :) haha I could be wrong
- It's starting to get darker and darker earlier. It gets dark around 3:58pm and the sun comes up around 8 am
- I'm really excited about advent calendars
- Burl Ives singing about Christmas makes me homesick
- So many people haven't seen the polar express so we're going to watch it in December
- I can't think of anything else :)
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