Hello everyone, here is an update of my past week.
I played the board game
Settlers of Cantan. It's really fun and it might be a tad bit similar to Risk.. You have settlements and try to build more settlements and roads and cities while the other players are doing the same and you get points for your settlements or roads and the player with the most points wins.

I also played a card game called
Ligretto which is a ton of fun too!

This is fish spread called .. something that I can't remember but yes. It is seriously amazing.

I also got to go into town and try
kebab. It was a huge tortilla with beef, lettuce, and dressing wrapped up. Maybe one of my favorite things yet. Unfortunately I couldn't finish it but I almost did.

These are Swedish car candy.. They're good and I might have eaten half of a bag before I realized it

We put up our Christmas star and it makes our room so koselig.
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